//鏄剧ず灏嗘埧鍨嬬殑浠锋牸 function AiaxFunction(tr_index, pk_id, bday) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } var param_url = "day=" + bday + "&tc=" + pk_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "tour_package_overview.ashx", data: param_url, beforeSend: function() { $("#" + obj).html("
"); }, success: function(msg) { $("#" + obj).html(msg); } }); $("#" + spanct).css("display", "none"); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", ""); } function AiaxFunctioncoles(tr_index) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } $("#" + obj).html(''); $("#" + spanct).css("display", ""); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", "none"); } function isEmail(vEMail) { //鍒ゆ柇鏄惁鏄悎娉曢偖浠跺湴鍧€,鍚堟硶杩斿洖 true, 涓嶅悎娉曡繑鍥?false var regInvalid = /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/; var regValid = /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; return (!regInvalid.test(vEMail) && regValid.test(vEMail)); } function btnSend() { if ($('#txtName').val() == '') { $("#name_error").html("Please input name"); return false; } if ($('#txtEmail').val() == '') { $("#email_error").html('Please input email!'); return false; } else { if (!isEmail($('#txtEmail').val())) { $("#email_error").html('Email format is error!'); return false; } } if (jQuery.trim($('#textareaQuestion').val().replace(' ', '')) == '' || $('#textareaQuestion').val() == 'please write down your requirement, we will plan and reply to you as soon as possible.') { $("#question_error").html('Please input enquiry!'); return false; } }

Gyantse City Tour

Duration: 2 Days
Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse
Departure date:
As You Prefer
Tour code:

Tour Highlights

Gyantse is one of the few places where the mordernazation has not changed much. The reason why people build a town there is because of the trade in wool. The location was good because Gyantse was on the road to India.

Quick View

Day  1  Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse   (L)

Morning drive from Lhasa to Gyantse, via Yamdrok Tso to Gyangtse (about 380km,6 hours), have a picnic at the Yamdork Lake. Visit Kumbum Stupa (also called Ten-Thousand Buddha Pagoda) & Pelkor Chode Monastery in Gyantse. Then drive to Shigatse (about 90km, about 1 hours). Stay overnight in Shigatse.

Day  2  Shigatse   (B,L)

Morning visit the Tashilungpo Monastery. Later drive back to Lhasa (about 280km, 3.5 hours). Free time in Lhasa.

Package Details

Tour Package Includes:

-- 1 night accommodation in Shigatse.  
-- Private escorted tour in Gyantse and Shigatse with service of English Speaking tour guide.
-- Private land transfers in Gyantse and Shigatse by air-conditioned company coach.
-- All entrance fees of attractions mentioned in the itinerary.
-- Meals as mentioned in the itinerary "B" stands for American breakfast, "L" for Chinese Lunch in local restaurant. "D" for Chinese dinner in local restaurant.

Tour Package Excludes:

-- Flight, coach, train transfers arriving Lhasa and departing Lhasa. 
-- Optional tours and add on activities in Lhasa, Gyantse and Shigatse.
-- Insurance.
-- Expenditure of a personal nature, such as drinks, souvenirs, telephone bill, laundry etc.
-- Other tours & meals not mentioned in the itineraries.
-- Gratuities to service staffs. Please read our "Tipping Policy".

Tipping Policy in China