//鏄剧ず灏嗘埧鍨嬬殑浠锋牸 function AiaxFunction(tr_index, pk_id, bday) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } var param_url = "day=" + bday + "&tc=" + pk_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "tour_package_overview.ashx", data: param_url, beforeSend: function() { $("#" + obj).html("
"); }, success: function(msg) { $("#" + obj).html(msg); } }); $("#" + spanct).css("display", "none"); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", ""); } function AiaxFunctioncoles(tr_index) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } $("#" + obj).html(''); $("#" + spanct).css("display", ""); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", "none"); } function isEmail(vEMail) { //鍒ゆ柇鏄惁鏄悎娉曢偖浠跺湴鍧€,鍚堟硶杩斿洖 true, 涓嶅悎娉曡繑鍥?false var regInvalid = /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/; var regValid = /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; return (!regInvalid.test(vEMail) && regValid.test(vEMail)); } function btnSend() { if ($('#txtName').val() == '') { $("#name_error").html("Please input name"); return false; } if ($('#txtEmail').val() == '') { $("#email_error").html('Please input email!'); return false; } else { if (!isEmail($('#txtEmail').val())) { $("#email_error").html('Email format is error!'); return false; } } if (jQuery.trim($('#textareaQuestion').val().replace(' ', '')) == '' || $('#textareaQuestion').val() == 'please write down your requirement, we will plan and reply to you as soon as possible.') { $("#question_error").html('Please input enquiry!'); return false; } }

Harbin Yabuli Ski Escape

Duration: 6 Days
Beijing, Harbin, Beijing, Harbin, Beijing
Departure date:
As You Prefer
Tour code:

Tour Highlights

The "Ice City" of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. Welcome to Harbin to enjoy the fabulous Ice Lantern Festival...

Quick View

Day  1  Beijing, Harbin  

Own arrange to go to Beijing Capital Airport for the morning flight to Harbin. Be met by our English speaking tour guide at Harbin airport and drive to visit St. Sofia Orthodox Church, The Central Street, The Northeast Tiger Park, Harbin Ice Lantern.

Day  2  Harbin   ()

After your breakfast, drive to Yabuli Ski Resort.

Day  3  Beijing   ()

Ski on your own. Yabuli International Ski Resort has the best snow and the longest ski season in China. Average snow fall is 20-50cm at lower part of the mountain, 100cm at the top of the mountain.

Day  4  Beijing   ()

Ski on your own. The trails' class, quantity and length all reached No.1 in the country. length: All 11 trails exceed 1km (0.6 mile), and trail No.5 is the longest trail in Asia (5km). vertical drop: Vertical drop range from 200m to 1200m, average is 700m.

Day  5  Harbin   ()

Ski on your own.

Day  6  Harbin, Beijing  

Free until be transferred to Harbin Airport for your flight to Beijing. Upon arrival at Beijing airport, own arrange to transfer to your next destination.

Package Details

Tour Package Includes:
Tour Package Excludes:

Tipping Policy in China